The calculations showed Ron the "I should have been toast in the tenth grade", which was very instrumental in Ron becoming more paranoid, and even going inside a panic room not too long afterward. Stoppable pointed out that she "is in no more danger saving the world than the average student is skateboarding to school", and then calculated Ron's known traits, which he is aware of, "It's a miracle". At first, Ron was more fearful for Kim's own safety, but after Mr. This is the episode when Ron took an interest in his father's work.

He had some good advice, but Ron had already found an instant solution, The Molecular Muscle Enhancer, so he was not ready to listen to his father's sound advice, so he had Rufus take notes on his father's words of wisdom. Stoppable did not attend his high school prom, because as of Ron and Kim infiltrating the Bermuda Triangle club Ron stated that his dad bought it for his prom and that it had never been worn. He is allergic to any kind of fur, as seen in Rappin' Drakken and A Sitch in Time.

Ron smugly replies, "This is my way of telling you". When they find out that Ron knew this, his father asks why he didn't tell him. Ron finally gets back at them for doing this when they walk in to find Hana running on the ceiling. When asked by Ron why they didn't tell him, Mr Stoppable says 'This is our way of telling you'. Often they make major changes to his and their lives without telling him, leaving him clueless until it's already happened, such as adopting Hana and moving his stuff to the attic, not telling him that they were moving to Norway until the day they moved, and telling him he was going Camp Wannaweep only when the bus had come to pick him up. While he does seem to genuinely care about his son and what Ron thinks of him, both he and his wife do not seem to acknowledge or consider their son's thoughts or feelings on matters as being important. Ron appears to be closer to his father than his mother, as he appears to be somewhat laid-back (like Ron himself is) and more accepting of who Ron is than his wife. Stoppable appears to want to guide Ron with good fatherly advice and be considered his hero. It appears that he also happens to be a mathematical genius, and once assisted Team Possible on a mission to defeat the Mathter. Stoppable is Jewish, as it was confirmed in "Bad Boy". Ron has mentioned that his dad has allergies to nearly every kind of animal hair, which led to Ron buying Rufus when he was young. He is an actuary that allows him to work anywhere. Mega Bomb has an effect of a mass knock out! Don't miss to grab Med Kit to restore your health.He is the father of Ron Stoppable. Launch Mega Bomb as you see it by pressing Space Bar.

If the villains manage to hit you too many times, and your health bar will decrease completely, the mission is over.īeware of shooting at Ron accidentally it will also reduce your health points. Strike them down before they make a move! If you get shot, you will lose health points. Shoot away at enemies as they appear on the screen and don't let them shoot at you at any cost. That's your chance to help Kim on a mission! They spread at the island waiting to attack her and Ron.

Drakken left Money Fist, Shego, and his henchmen to stop Kim. He thinks, Kim Possible and her team can't reach him there! Well, he is mistaken, and Kim is going to prove it to him very soon. Drakken is plotting to take over the world! This time he is hiding at his secret base on a deserted island. Together with her friends Ron, his pet Rufus, and Wade, Kim already defeated many miscreants. Kim is standing for peace and fighting not to let any villains pass through. Kim Possible has to ruin their evil plots and to defend the civilians. Drakken together with his helpers and henchmen. Yes, we're talking about such villains like the mad scientist Dr. Get ready for another adventure led by incredible Kim Possible in the Adventure Island game!Īpart from living her everyday schoolgirl life, Kim Possible is fighting the nastiest minds of the world.